Good Financial Reads: What You Should Know About Retirement

2 min read
September 06, 2019

What You Should Know About Retirement

Roadmap to Retirement: FIRE or FRA

by Steven Geri, Denny Park Investments LLC

A comfortable retirement—with ample assets—is the ultimate savings goal. Sacrifice consumption today so that one day you are financially independent and can retire with a fulsome lifestyle. 

Early retirement advocates have adopted the acronym FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) as their rallying cry.

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Back to Basics: Changing Employers? What You Can Do With Your Retirement Plan

by Jason Speciner, Financial Planning Fort Collins

A job change can make for a fantastic opportunity to progress in your career. Plus, it’s a chance to refresh, try something new, or begin the next phase of your work life. And, whether you’re looking to take a step up the pay scale, try out a new industry, get big-league benefits, or just keep building your experience, the search alone can come with its own share of exciting challenges. 

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Choose Your Own Contribution with Higher Retirement Plan Limits

by Jason Speciner, Financial Planning Fort Collins

Do you follow the Financial Planning Fort Collins blog? If you do, you likely know the IRS increased individual retirement arrangement (IRA) contribution limits for 2019. But did you know contribution caps for other retirement plan types also increased for this tax year?

Maybe you want to make the most of what you can already invest. Perhaps your budget allows you to contribute more this year. But with so many ways to save for financial independence, what’s the most strategic way?

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Should I Consider Social Security Benefits in My Retirement Plan?

by Steven Geri, Denny Park Investments LLC

When developing a financial plan for retirement, you need to decide what to assume about future Social Security income. Social Security benefits significantly impact most people’s retirement calculation.

To be conservative, many younger investors simply assume Social Security won’t be around when they retire. Although this approach is certainly conservative, it’s unlikely Social Security will entirely disappear, even for the affluent.

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How Should My Investment Strategy Change in Retirement?

by Britton Gregory, Seaborn Financial, LLC

If you've been reading this blog for a while, then you know my approach to investing: determine your risk tolerance and capacity, design a portfolio of uncorrelated asset classes which matches them, and then optimize based on factors of increased returns and other incremental improvements.

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