Good Financial Reads: Retirement Risks (and Rewards)

3 min read
October 14, 2022

Retirement Risks (and Rewards)

Are You Saving Enough for Retirement?

by David Barfield, Datapoint Financial Planning

Have you ever sat down and tried to figure out how much money you’ll need for a retirement that could last thirty years or more?  I’m guessing if you’re reading this article, you have likely given it some serious thought.  And if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably created a dozen different spreadsheets over the years trying to figure out when you might reach that magical state of financial independence.

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Consequences of Proposed Changes to Retirement Savings

by Steven Briggs, Briggs Financial Inc

A number of policy changes pertaining to how retirement accounts and other retirement-age mechanisms are either being proposed or have already been penned into law. These changes will have a significant and lasting impact in how retirement accounts as well as how the social safety net functions in our society both now and in the future. While these changes are touted for the qualities that may exist in them, there are a number of consequences that will likely result in a weaker financial foundation for younger generations, particularly for Gen X and Millennial-aged individuals. Moreover, some of these changes may also have significant wealth transference consequences, potentially creating and perpetuating systemic financial racial discrimination along with a growing percentage of the population that ultimately ends up becoming a ward of the state. This paper will study the underlying motivations and factors driving these policy changes, ramifications of these policy decisions including both intended and unintended social consequences, and what other steps can be taken to answer long-term budgetary risks.

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The #1 Hidden Retirement Risk You May Not Be Aware Of

by Scott Sturgeon, Oread Wealth Partners

After working, saving and investing for decades, you’re finally reaching a point where retirement is on the horizon. Maybe that means leaving a full-time job to do some consulting work on the side. Maybe it’s finally pursuing that hobby you’ve been passionate about for years, but just haven’t had the time to do. It could even be something as simple as finally learning to cook or spending more time with your children or grandchildren. With all these exciting possibilities, Sequence of Returns Risk is probably not on the top of your radar of things to lookout for in retirement, but it should be.

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AbbVie Retirement Income Choices For Employees

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

North Chicago-based AbbVie is currently offering employees a new savings option that can significantly affect their retirement income. Employees have until August 26, 2022 to decide whether they want to stay on the current AbbVie retirement plans, or accept a new plan that would freeze their pension benefit but offer higher 401(k) contributions in return. This special blog post can help AbbVie employees assess the offer so they can make an informed decision about their retirement security.

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High Cost of Healthcare in Retirement

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

When most people think about retirement, their thoughts are on leisure pursuits, spending time with family, or serving organizations they’re passionate about. In the back of our minds is the reality of getting older and maybe having health issues. Retirement savings sustain our current lifestyle beyond our working years. But it’s important to understand how the high costs of healthcare in retirement factors in the mix as well, even if you’re young!

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