Good Financial Reads: Real Financial Planning, Reward Yourself w/ Your Tax Refund, and More

2 min read
February 24, 2017

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Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Real Financial Planning

by Tim Brennan, Ariadne Wealth Advisors

Few people have been more influential to my financial planning philosophy than Carl Richards. Carl recently wrote a piece outlining three major traits that “real” financial advisors must have (What It Means To Be A Real Financial Advisor). Advisors following these rules pass the “Would I send my mom to you?” test.

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How to Reward Yourself With Your Tax Refund

by Cady North, North Financial Advisors

And now for some good news. I read this year’s tax refund survey results from, and according to their study most people plan to use their refund for either paying down debt or ratcheting up their savings. My financial planner brain says, “Yay! That’s awesome!”

What the survey didn’t say was whether the respondents had any plan for what to do with their savings. Having savings is good, believe me, but I’ve learned that having a plan for your savings is MUCH better.

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Four Tips for Buying a Home in a Red-Hot Market

by Meg Bartelt, Flow Financial Planning

I have bought exactly one home in my life, and it wasn’t until I was 39 years old (which was not so long ago, thank you!). And while the housing market here in Bellingham, WA is tight by its own standards, it doesn’t hold a candle to the likes of the Seattle or Bay Area.

One thing that got me through the stressful experience was our Realtor®, Matt McBeath. (Did you know that “Realtor” is a registered trademark? I know I didn’t.) I was so impressed with his process, more than anything else, that I wanted him to share his thoughts on how to buy a home in a red-hot market.

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Cut it out! The Case for Eliminating Credit Cards Once & For All

by Pam Horack, Pathfinder Planning

Valentine’s Day! A time for hearts, roses and overspending. Yes, you read that right -- overspending! Everyone wants to show their sweetie how much they care, but many times that outward expression can turn into a downward regression into debt.

Since we are now safely past the sappiness of the day, it’s time for some Financial Mom tough love. Valentine’s Day, in all of it’s romantic glory, is also a time when many people use credit cards to shower their significant other with gifts they otherwise couldn’t afford. But hey, at least their heart’s in the right place, right? WRONG!

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