Good Financial Reads: What to do With a Windfall of Money

2 min read
February 08, 2019

What to do With a Windfall of Money

What to Do With A Windfall of Cash

by Levi Sanchez, Millennial Wealth

If you’re fortunate enough to receive a windfall of cash in your lifetime there are several ways to make the most of it. Every so often the headlines include a story about a lottery winner or professional athlete who’ve earned large amounts of money in a brief period of time before going completely broke. Don’t be this person! 

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What To Do When You Receive An Inheritance

by MIchelle Smalenberger, Financial Design Studio, Inc.

Have you received an inheritance and need to understand the steps to take or what to do? One of my favorite stories of a client who inherited funds from a loved one was all about the history of the person who left the inheritance. A grandfather passed away and the parent was executor and trustee in charge of getting the funds to the grandchild. The parent sent a note along with the funds explaining what family meant to the grandparent and his attitude toward saving and spending money throughout his life. 

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Got a Cash Windfall? Take These Steps So You Don’t Screw It Up

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

Who doesn’t love the idea of suddenly, unexpectedly coming into a lot of cash?

Although this idea of a cash windfall sounds great in theory, the reality isn’t always quite as fantastic.

Receiving a lot of money — especially when you didn’t know or expect it — can also introduce a lot of financial complexity you weren’t prepared for. It could even come with some unwanted baggage.

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5 Ways to Maximize Your Inheritance

by Katie Brewer, Your Richest Life

When you receive an inheritance, regardless of amount, you’re going to need to figure out how to put it to its best use. Depending on who left it to you, you may have different emotions and ideas surrounding that decision. Here are some of the most common questions and scenarios you might face with an inheritance – and the best ways to deal with it going forward.

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