Good Financial Reads: Holiday Bash without Breaking the Bank, YE Financial Checklist, and More

2 min read
December 23, 2016



Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Throw a Holiday Bash Without Breaking the Bank

by Noa Rodriguez-Hoffman, Socialyte Capital

‘Tis the season to be social! The holiday season is in full swing, and if you’re like me, this means attending office parties, industry mixers, and social gatherings. With decorations, food, music, and cocktails, throwing an epic event usually comes with a hefty price tag — or does it? Although gift shopping might have drained your budget, that doesn’t mean you can’t throw a festive bash without class.

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Managing Your Year End Financial Checklist

by Katie Brewer, Your Richest Life

The end of 2016 is rapidly approaching, but before you can set your tasks and goals for the year ahead, it’s a good idea to wrap up the ones still on your plate. Here are some things you can do to finish off the year and start fresh on the right foot:

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Six Tactics to Achieve Your Financial Goals

by Deb Meyer, WorthyNest

Research shows that New Year resolutions fail.  Why?  Because resolutions aren’t clearly articulated goals.  In my opinion, annual goal setting is a necessary yet arduous process.  This blog post focuses on the goal setting process, and financial goals in particular.  Hopefully, it will inspire you to create your own set of goals for 2017.

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Charitable Giving, Generosity, and... Taxes

by Ben Wacek, Wacek Financial Planning

Jesus commissions His disciples in Matthew chapter 10 to serve the sick and the marginalized in society. His words to them are of selfless generosity, saying “Freely you have received, now freely give”. In the same way, we should generously and joyfully give out of our abundance to the Church and to organizations that are outreaching to others in need - in fact there are many reasons why we should give willingly.

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