Good Financial Reads: Why You Need a Financial Planner

2 min read
September 13, 2019

Why You Need a Financial Planner

Guide to Hiring a Financial Planner

by Riley Poppy, Ignite Financial Planning, LLC

While there are multiple guides online on how to find a qualified financial planner, here are a few steps I’d personally follow when choosing to work with a professional.

CFP® Standard

This should be the starting point on everyone’s search. While there are over 200 professional designations in the financial services industry, the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation is unmatched when it comes to academic rigor, continued education, and ethics requirements.

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Three Key Roles of Financial Planners: How Fiduciary Life-Centered Planners Serve Clients

by Matthew Broom, Forward Focus Financial Planning

Finding a financial planner that has your best interests at heart and will act as your financial partner, guide, and educator can be a challenge.

In today’s financial services landscape, the terms planner or advisor have been hijacked by product pushers all across the profession. In Unshakeable, Tony Robbins states that only 5,000 of our nations 310,000 financial advisors are pure fiduciaries. If you are playing the financial advisor lottery, you have a 1.6% chance of getting someone who must act in your best interest.

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7 Everyday Ways to Use Your Financial Planner

by Michael Reynolds, Elevation Financial LLC

Money is a tough subject for a lot of us. It's hard to talk about. It's hard not to feel stressed out about it. It's hard to ask for help. All these feelings are natural. But they can also hold us back from making progress.

These feelings can also keep us from making use of the resources available. We can often think "I don't need a financial planner. I'm doing ok, right?" Or "my money is too much of a mess, no financial planner would work with me." Or maybe "financial planners are only for wealthy people. My everyday stuff is inconsequential."

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For more on this topic, be sure to check out Good Financial Reads: Do I Need a Financial Planner?

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