Good Financial Reads: The Value of Financial Planning

3 min read
September 24, 2021

the value of financial planning

Why You Should Have a Financial Advisor

by Matthew Paulson, Voyageur Capital Advisors

Heads-up, this is a biased and self-serving post. I make my living as a financial advisor, so I am telling you from the start, read this with a healthy dose of skepticism and actively question any assertion I’ve made; message me directly if you want. 

And while today I want to convince you of the merits of hiring someone to help with your finances, it’s equally important to note that all financial advisors are not the same.  There are bad actors and some questionable practices out there.  When I say you should have a financial advisor, I mean a good advisor; the right advisor.  This post will be dedicated to helping you better grasp why an advisor can help.  Future posts will focus on choosing the right advisor.

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[PODCAST] The Value of a Coach

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

Can you DIY or will your way through everything you want to accomplish in your life? Sure. Is it the most effective route that’s going to optimize your results? Debatable.

Today we’re talking about the value of a coach in areas of your life that really matter — the areas that you care about, the areas that make a big difference, and the areas in which you want to go beyond simply “good enough” and truly optimize.

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Night Guy Meets Morning Guy: The Power of Visualization in Financial Planning

by Massi De Santis, DESMO Wealth Advisors

Goal visualization is a powerful tool. Formula one drivers visualize every turn of a track before a practice or a race. They even visualize wheel-to-wheel racing with their fiercest opponents. Most elite athletes use visualization. From downhill skiers to runners. Marathoner Meb Keflezheigi visualizes his races in difficult conditions to help get the most out of himself. The same concept applies to life. Arnold Schwarzenegger says the first rule of success is to have a vision for where you are going.

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[Video] How a Financial Advisor Helps You Make Progress

by Michelle Smallenberger, Financial Design Studio

Can you think of someone that has helped you make progress in the past?  The past would be times like leaving high school, going off to college, your first job after college, or maybe even furthering your career along the way?  Personally, I have two friends with the same name, Rachel, and one other friend named Jana.  There are other people who I can remember helping me make health progress or supporting me when I moved to a new place. But the point is there are people I can look back on and remember who was instrumental in my life.  And really as financial planners that is what we hope to do.  

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How Financial Planning Helps you Enjoy Life Right Now

by Michael Reynolds, Elevation Financial

"Financial Planning."

Could there be a more boring phrase?

What does financial planning make you think of? Does it conjure up images of sitting in a big fancy office with guys in suits (nothing against guys in suits... I'm sometimes one of them) who want to talk to you about retirement goals and asset allocations?

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