Good Financial Reads: Tax Planning for Beginners

2 min read
November 20, 2020

Tax Planning for Beginners

Personal Tax Planning for 2020 and Beyond

by Massi De Santis, Desmo Wealth Advisors, LLC

No one wants to think about 2020 taxes right now, but now is the best time to think about tax planning, right before you get into the holiday spirit and start wearing ugly sweaters. Spend some time finding ways to keep more of your hard-earned money, and we have some ideas and reminders for you.

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20 Year-End Tax Tips for 2020

by Michael Hennessy, Harbor Crest Wealth Advisors

What do we want? To pay less taxes!

When do we want it? Now! (Financial planners cringe in the background.) 

While that’s a chant we all can get behind, my counterargument is that we are all best served to lower our lifetime tax bills, versus lowering a single year’s tax bill. 

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You Can Give All Your Income to Charity This Year. But Should You?

by James Bradley, Penobscot Financial Advisors

In light of the COVID pandemic, the CARES act has created new planning opportunities, including the ability to deduct up to 100 percent of your income for charitable contributions.  This important incentive comes at a crucial time when the need is great.  Planning your charitable giving, however, should be done in a way that avoids some unforeseen pitfalls and that takes advantage of strategies that can help both the donor and the recipient!  

For those who are charitably inclined, 2020 may be the best year ever for reaping the tax benefits of your generosity.   

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Potential Tax Changes With Biden as The President-Elect

by Travis Tracy, Fortitude Financial Planning, LLC

Over the weekend, Vice President Joe Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, were declared the 2020 Presidential Election winners. Since Vice President Biden has been declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election, I wanted to inform you of some of the potentially significant tax changes that may be coming our way. I will discuss Biden’s proposals for tax bracket changes, QBI deduction for business owners, itemized deductions, retirement contributions, personal income tax credits, long-term capital gains taxes, 1031 exchange, and estate and gift taxes. Please keep in mind that these are the changes he has proposed and will still have to pass through Congress, so these potential changes are subject to change and/or may not get passed.

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Some Year-End Tax Planning For Business Owners

by Massi DeSantis, Desmo Wealth Advisors, LLC

As we approach the year-end and get ready for the holidays, let’s consider doing some tax planning for 2020 and beyond. This year, we break our discussion of year-end tax planning into two parts. We cover some business tax planning tools in this post, and continue with individual tax planning in the next post. 

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