Good Financial Reads: How to Be Better at Budgeting

3 min read
May 01, 2020

How to Be Better at Budgeting

Tracking Your Spending is Not as Bad as You Think

by Jake Northrup, Experience Your Wealth

Carl Richards has a great analogy about tracking your spending – it is very similar to flossing. We understand how important it is to floss, but it’s not something we like to think about, let alone do. So, we lie about how often we floss to the dentist and then promise to be better.

This hit home for me. Honestly, I never tracked our spending until earlier this year when I knew we had a lot of transition coming up – we were getting married, moving and starting businesses. All of this hit our cash flow, so I felt like we really needed to become aware of what we were spending so we could properly plan.

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3 Ideas to Save More and Spend Less Without Feeling Deprived

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

Don’t spend less. Just spend smarter. These tips will give you easy-to-implement ways to create wiggle room in your budget so you can enjoy more choice over how you use your money.

Conversations on budgeting and saving money don’t have to translate to “here’s what you have to give up.”

We want to enjoy life now AND plan responsibly for tomorrow, and in this episode, we talk through 3 (stupidly simple) ideas for actually making that possible to do.

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The 4 Fundamental Rules of Personal Finance

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

How do you feel when you hear the word “money?” Does thinking about finance make you feel positive or negative? Eager or worried? Motivated or overwhelmed?

Personal finance feels complicated because it’s never just about the numbers.

Personal finance is personal, and it’s also highly emotional. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and confused by what you need to do with your money to be successful — but it doesn’t have to be so complicated.

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The Ultimate Budgeting Guide for Immigrants

by Sahil Vakil, MYRA Wealth

Despite the level of education you may have, tackling your finances may still be a difficult or time consuming task for you. However, if you want to stop stressing out about your finances, you’ll need to take some initial steps to get started on the right path. One of the first things you should do is set up a budget. 

Budgeting will help you to get control of your income and spending each month so that you can implement more high-level savings goals. Without the information budgeting provides, you won’t be able to accurately create a retirement plan or reach any of the financial achievements you’ve set out for.

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What is Budgeting Anyway?

by Massi De Santis, DESMO Wealth Advisors, LLC

If I told you there was a tool that can help you reduce unnecessary spending, solve your money problems, and achieve your financial goals, would that get your attention? Probably. If I told you that tool was budgeting though, your reaction would be more like, “what else you got?” There is just something about the word budgeting that makes it uninviting. And it maybe even more off putting if you actually know what budgeting is. 

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The Power of Budgeting

by Massi De Santis, DESMO Wealth Advisors, LLC

Budgeting is the heart of financial planning. Achieving your goals starts by being aware of how you use your money, so you can make changes that align your money choices with your goals. Learn how you can create a budget and how to make it a central piece of your financial planning process.

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