Good Financial Reads: Financing Your Major Life Change

2 min read
March 31, 2017


Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on the latest posts with this week's roundup:


4 Financial Moves to Consider When You Change Jobs

by Andrew MohrmannModern Dollar Planning

Starting a new job can be a pivotal time in your life. Chances are you are getting to do something that better levers the skills and experiences you’ve built over your career. It’s also a time when you’re likely being rewarded financially for all that hard work. Consider these 4 tips to make sure you’re capitalizing on the momentum of your new role

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Why and How I Left a Great Job in the City for $2,400/Month in a Small Town

by Tim Hale, Hale Financial Solutions

Last July my wife and I left great paying jobs and a comfortable, spacious condo in Salt Lake City for Star Valley, Wyoming where we currently earn about one quarter of my previous income. I've often thought, as have some of my peers, "Why would I DO something like this?" 

To simply say we moved to Star Valley to start Hale Financial Solutions and live in a small, cozy community wouldn’t present the entire scope of the decision and what a big leap it was. Nor would it satisfy the concerns of well-intending friends who thought I had truly lost my mind.

Here’s the rest of the WHY, and perhaps more interestingly, HOW it was doable financially, in case there's a "Star Valley" you'd like to escape to.

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Full-time RVing: Financial Considerations For Life On The Open Road

by Todd MinearOpen Road Wealth Management

The age-old notion of traveling after you retire is fading away. Millenials are quitting their job, and traveling full-time. No matter your age, fulltime RVing requires a well-laid out financial plan.

It’s easy to see why people fall in love with the idea of full-time RVing. Waking up to different scenery every few days, weeks, or months is exciting. The world is your doorstep.

However, there’s a financial aspect of full-timing that you need to look at before hitting the road.

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Getting Married? Have This Conversation Now

by Paul SydlanskyLake Road Advisors

Incompatibility about finances is one of the leading contributors to divorce in the United States (source). Therefore, getting on the same page about your finances now before you get married is just another great way to prioritize your relationship and help safeguard it against potential disruptions down the road.

Perhaps you experienced the all-to-familiar money arguments in your own household growing up. Did your parents have conversations about money or full out fights about the finances? Sadly, it’s not uncommon for couples to share the following accusatory exchanges about money, but it certainly can be avoided with a little practice and preparation.

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