Good Financial Reads: Investing Ins and Outs

2 min read
February 14, 2020

Investing Ins and Outs

What Real Estate Can Teach You About Stocks

by Trent Porter, Priority Financial Planning

If I asked you to explain to a 5th grader the basics of how people make money investing in real estate, you probably wouldn’t miss a beat: buy a house, collect rent, subtract your expenses and the rest is profit.  Have the average person try to explain how the stock market works however and the answer will likely be about as helpful as asking Kim Kardashian to give her interpretation of campaign finance reform.  

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Structuring an Investment Portfolio

by Joe Morgan, Best Financial Life

Imagine if you could have someone else go to work and send you the paycheck.

Wouldn’t that be great?

Now, what if that person were brilliant, and leader in her field?

What if she was an undiscovered talent who ends up making it big, and when her earnings rapidly grow over a short period of time, a portion of those earnings go to you?

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Should You Invest in Target Date Funds?

by Dan Slagle, FYOOZ Financial Planning

How do you know if your investment selections are adequate? How do you maintain that adequacy throughout your entire 30-45 years of working? We find a lot of couples struggle with these decisions or frankly ignore it all together and it’s easy to see why - most of us have had little to no education on how to invest in what will likely be your biggest asset. One way the industry has helped alleviate this obstacle is by introducing target date funds.

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How to Measure Investment Performance

by Britton Gregory, Seaborn Financial LLC

How do you know if your investment selections are adequate? How do you maintain that adequacy throughout your entire 30-45 years of working? We find a lot of couples struggle with these decisions or frankly ignore it all together and it’s easy to see why - most of us have had little to no education on how to invest in what will likely be your biggest asset. One way the industry has helped alleviate this obstacle is by introducing target date funds.

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