Good Financial Reads: For New Americans

2 min read
November 01, 2019

For New Americans

An Immigrant's Guide To Building Your Credit Score

by Sahil Vakil, MYRA Wealth

When you are immigrating to the United States, it is natural to want to land on strong financial footing. However, all immigrants face a common barrier: a lack of US credit history. This can impede your ability to get approved for a credit card, apply for a mortgage, or engage in other types of financial transactions. While it’s possible to use cash day-to-day, it is a good idea to begin building a credit history as soon as possible. 

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What Should You Do With Your 401(k) When You Move Back To Your Home Country

by Sahil Vakil, MYRA Wealth

If you are a foreigner working in the US, it is a good idea to contribute to a 401(k) plan if your employer offers one. A 401(k) is a great way to save for retirement and your contributions may be tax deductible and grow tax-deferred (in a traditional 401(k)) or taxable now but able to grow tax-free (in a Roth 401(k)). But what happens to your 401(k) when you decide to permanently move back to your home country? 

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The EB5 Investor Program: How Immigrants Make America Great Again!

by Sahil Vakil, MYRA Wealth

EB5 Investor Program refers to the Employment Based Immigration, Fifth Preference Investor Program. The EB5 investor program is administered by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). The USCIS, through the EB5 Investor Program, grants immigrant entrepreneurs (and their spouses and unmarried children under 21) a green card (permanent residence) if they meet the following criteria:

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For more on this topic, check out Good Financial Reads: What to Know When Working in the US as a Non-Citizen.

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