Good Financial Reads: Cash Flow (Part Two)

2 min read
October 12, 2018

Cash Flow

Am I Spending Too Much? The 50-20-10 Rule

by Britton Gregory, Seaborn Financial LLC

When you get into financial planning, whether for yourself or someone else, it's easy to get caught up in the numbers. When you have a question like "should I pay off my mortgage early?" or "should I take Social Security at 70 or 65?)?", you've got your Monte Carlo simulations and straight-line projections to give you a nice, numerical answer.

It's clean and clear, but it's not the whole picture.

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Prevent Impulse Buying

by Daniel Andrews, Well-Rounded Success

Spend your hard-earned money with intention versus succumbing to consumerism! Impulse buying is becoming easier and easier yet there are some quick strategies you can embrace to spend better.

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How to Manage Cash Flow: YNAB's Four Rules

by Britton Gregory, Seaborn Financial LLC

As you know by now, cash flow management is the first step and foundation to financial success. There are as many ways to manage cash flow as there are people in the world, from spreadsheets to "carrying it around in your head", but my personal favorite is a budgeting app called, directly enough, "You Need A Budget". What sets YNAB apart isn't just the stellar customer support or the ever-expanding feature set, but the cash flow management framework that underpins the whole thing. They call it the Four Rules, and it might be the single best cash flow management system out there. (And no, I have no association with YNAB. I think it's the best cash flow management system out there.)

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Cash Flow: The Foundation of Financial Success

by Britton GregorySeaborn Financial LLC

If you ask an investment manager what the foundation of financial success is, they'll say it's a solid Investment Policy Statement. Ask an insurance agent, and they'll tell you that it's the right insurance policy. Ask a CPA, and they'll say that it's a good tax strategy. Ask a banker, and they might tell you that it's a good savings account or CD. And while all of these are very important, none of them are truly the foundation of financial success. No, that honor belongs to cash flow management.

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For more on how your 401(k) works, be sure to check out Good Financial Reads: Cash Flow (Part One).

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