Good Financial Reads: Creating Your Ideal Financial Lifestyle

2 min read
August 19, 2022

Creating Your Ideal Financial Lifestyle

Experiences Matter

by Philip Weiss, Apprise Wealth Management

They say experiences matter. As a financial advisor, I like to understand what matters most to my clients. I also want to help them maintain their desired lifestyle both before and during retirement. That can lead to tough choices as you try to balance saving for tomorrow – funding college and retirement are two biggies – and having experiences today.

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Choosing the FILE Lifestyle – Financial Independence, Live Early

by Jay Zigmont, Childfree Wealth

If the days of working 25 years to ‘get the watch’ and retire are gone, why are we still setting retirement as our goal? Living a life of Childfree Wealth means you have the time, money, and freedom to do what you want. Do you want to work for most of your life to retire? If so, that is great. If not, the FILE Lifestyle (Financial Independence, Live Early) might be an option for you.

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Know the Price Tag of Your Lifestyle

by Joe Morgan, Best Financial Life

If one of your goals is to maintain or increase your lifestyle, doesn’t it seem logical that you should know how much your lifestyle costs? This is not something any of us enjoys talking about but surely, we can see how important it is.

Each day we spend money on things that make our life enjoyable or perhaps even just bearable. The money we spend is not always the same from month to month, but over the course of a year, I have found it to be very consistent.

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More Money or More Time?  -  Apprise Wealth Management

by Philip Weiss, Apprise Wealth Management

Have you thought about opening a Roth IRA for your kid to give them a headstart on saving for retirement? Opening a Roth IRA account for your kid can mean that they will benefit from decades of compound interest. It can be a great way to introduce the concept of saving and investing to your child. However, there are a few things you need to think about before you open a kids Roth IRA.

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