Good Financial Reads: How to Set Financial Goals

1 min read
June 07, 2019

How to Set Financial Goals

How to Articulate and Prioritize Financial Goals

by Levi SanchezMillennial Wealth

When people initially reach out to myself or other financial planners, it’s typically centered around particular financial questions, goals, or issue they need help with at that particular point in time. Other times, it’s a combination of all these things, as their situation has become too complex for it to be worth their time and stress to manage themselves. Yet, one of the fundamental ways that financial planners help their clients is by helping them better articulate and prioritize their financial goals. 

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Money Is a Tool, So Stop Treating It as the Goal

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

“I want more money.”

“I need to save more money.”

“I wish I had more money.”

I hear these phrases all the time — and I’m guilty of saying them myself, too. While it’s natural to think this way about finances, doing so only creates more stress around money.

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5 Steps to Achieving Your Financial Goals

by Deborah Meyer, WorthyNest

“I want more money.”

“I need to save more money.”

“I wish I had more money.”

I hear these phrases all the time — and I’m guilty of saying them myself, too. While it’s natural to think this way about finances, doing so only creates more stress around money.

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For more on how to set financial goals, check out our post Good Financial Reads: Goal-Setting.

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