Good Financial Reads: Cash Flow Basics

2 min read
July 26, 2019

Cash Flow Basics

Is Cash Flow Keeping You Up At Night?

by Greg Young, Ahead Full Wealth Management, LLC


Apparently, that’s cash flow! I know that standing at our kitchen counter holding the utilities bills, we have that thought; “ugh, I just paid this!” But did you know that it keeps our small business and entrepreneur friends up at night, too? 

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Why Is It So Hard to Get a Handle On My Cash Flow? Surely This Should Be Easier!

by Meg Bartelt, Flow Financial Planning, LLC

Do you ever feel that your cash flow should be easier to get a hold of? You should be able to automate it? Not have to think about it so much? Not have to move money around with your delicate hands so often?

But, as it turns out, you just don’t find it simple. So you don’t get a handle on it. And you’re left letting your cash flow sort of happen to you instead of you managing it intentionally. 

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Two Overlooked Cash Flow Tips

by Lucas Casarez, Level Up Financial Planning

Are you a ninja at living paycheck to paycheck? Did you know you can actually make progress and gain financial confidence by incorporating two critical cash flow techniques into your monthly budget?

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Managing Lifestyle Creep: A Real-Life Example of Keeping Expenses Low (Even As Incomes Rise)

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

The term lifestyle creep describes what happens when you spend more money as you earn more money.

You might also hear this referred to as “lifestyle inflation. It means the same thing: you inflate your lifestyle to match your income. There’s never much of a gap between what you earn and what you spend.

If you fall victim to this, you will likely never feel well-off, wealthy, or successful. 

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For more on cash flow basics, be sure to check out Good Financial Reads: Cash Flow Basics Part One and Good Financial Reads: Cash Flow Basics Part Two.

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