Good Financial Reads: Budgeting Tips: Increase Your Cash, Decrease Your Wastefulness

1 min read
January 11, 2019

Budgeting Tips

Five Ways Money Can Buy Happiness

by Daniel Stous, Flagstone Financial Management

Elizabeth Dunn is a PhD who studies the science of spending, and she co-authored a book called Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending. During her presentation, she spoke about the findings of her research that showed that money can, indeed, buy happiness. However, simply having money or spending it without intent doesn’t do the job. There are five principals that should be followed in order to maximize the amount of happiness that our money can buy for us.

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Hey! Stop Wasting Food!

by Morgen Rochard, Origin Wealth Advisers LLC

Why is my grocery bill so high? 

Food is a necessity so we think there is nothing wrong with spending $20k per year on groceries. And we're right! There IS nothing wrong with spending $20k per year on groceries if we enjoy every morsel of food, don't waste anything, and still have money left over for our vacation fund. Except who is really doing that?

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For more budgeting tips, check out Good Financial Reads: Easy Budgeting and Good Financial Reads: Rock Your Budget.

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