Good Financial Reads: Sticking to Your Budget (& Your Diet!)

2 min read
December 22, 2017

 Good Financial Reads_ Sticking to Your Budget (& Your Diet!).png

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Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


With Diets and Budgets, Sheer Willpower is Not Enough

by Jennifer Faherty, Financial Wealth-being

Like diets, budgets are often less about the ‘what’ and more about the ‘how.’

Often we know that we need to spend less and exactly where we need to do so. Much in the same way that someone who wants to lose weight knows that they shouldn’t eat desserts or should stop eating after 8:00pm, most of us know that we shouldn’t purchase another pair of shoes, upgrade to the latest device, or go out to dinner and drinks with friends (again!) if we’re having trouble paying our bills.

We know the what. But the problem is how do we do this?

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Why Living Within Your Means Is Bad Advice

by Jared Paul, Capable Wealth

Why are you holding back?

Why aren’t you doing the things you want to?

Why aren’t you traveling the world, indulging in new experiences, “living it up!?”

I’ll tell you why – you aren’t thinking clearly.

You will often hear the adage, “People need to live within their means.” But what does that really mean?

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How Starting a Diet is Like Creating a Budget

by Anjali Jariwala, XYPN Archives

How many of us dread the thought of starting a diet? What about creating a budget? The thought of either one can cause anguish for most people.

Surprisingly, the process is very similar for both -- but doesn't have to be as painful as you think.

Diet insinuates a short term plan with short term results. Any article on health usually emphasizes making a lifestyle change rather than trying the new fad diet. The same logic applies to creating and sticking to a budget.

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3 Steps for Long-Term Budgeting Success

by Rebecca Conner, SeedSafe Financial LLC

Budgeting sometimes feels like a New Year’s goal for weight loss.  “I’m going to stay on top of my budget this year!” “I am going to start tracking my expenses January 1st!”

The truth is, you only have so much time.  Like with weight loss, there is no magic pill but there is a long term sustainable option.  To get to this, I recommend a three stage approach:

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