Good Financial Reads: Bear Market Silver Linings

2 min read
October 28, 2022

Bear Market Silver Linings

Is the Bear Market Over?

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio, Inc.

2022 has been a challenging year for investors and economists alike. As inflation emerged from its 40 year hibernation, stocks dropped into bear market territory in the first half of the year. Fears of a recession arose. However, in the last few weeks, recession fears have eased and stocks have rebounded. Are investors out of the woods now? In this week’s post we examine where the economy and stock markets are and how bear markets play out. Is the bear market over?

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Stock Market Decline Silver Linings

by Elliott Appel, Kindness Financial Planning

Stock market declines don’t have to be full of bad news.

There are stock market decline silver linings and potential opportunities you can take advantage of during a market decline. 

I know it’s not enjoyable to watch your investment portfolio decline in value, feel like the economy is on shaky ground, and wonder when prices will recover; however, there are a few reasons to see the glass as half full as opposed to half empty. 

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What Should I Do in a Down Market as a Tech Professional?

by Rebecca Conner, SeedSafe Financial LLC

This summer was the first time in a few years ravaged by COVID that we could finally go out and play as a family again.  It also was a time for a down market to hit.  Higher gas prices and inflation nipping at our heels wasn’t fun to witness while traveling.

A down market feels risky and unknown.  Leading to further questions about:  How can I prepare during this time?  Where should I be putting my money?  Should I be selling my vested company stock / RSUs?

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If a Recession Might be Coming, is Now a Good Time to Invest?

by Britton Gregory, Seaborn Financial, LLC

I know the title sounds a bit clickbaity, but it's a question that clients have been asking, so I figure it's worth answering! 

Having said that, there are a few aspects of that question I want to explore, and then I'll let you figure determine the answer for yourself. As you might guess, it's not as simple as "yes" or "no", and as Westley says in The Princess Bride, anyone who says differently is selling something!

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