Good Financial Reads: Advice for Investing in 2022

3 min read
February 11, 2022

Advice for Investing in 2022

Investment Themes to Watch Heading Into 2022

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

The turn of the New Year is approaching and, coincidentally, several market-impacting shifts are underway. These shifts are creating headwinds for consumers and the market. In this abbreviated Weekly, we look at the investment themes to watch as we head into 2022.

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Don't Let Fear Drive Your Investing

by Matt Elliott, Pulse Financial Planning

As you’re reading this, there is likely a major event in the news that may have you worried and is driving the stock market. The biggest mistake many individuals make is allowing fear hijack financial decision making. If you let emotion drive your investing decisions, your finances will suffer. In this article, we’ll review the impact market volatility has had in the past on investments, and what you should do in the face of the next market downturn.

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The Boring I-Bond is Not so Boring Right Now

by Jim Bradley, Penobscot Financial Advisors

Investing in bonds, whether to diversify a portfolio, to produce reliable income, or to simply hold onto some money for a ‘rainy day’, has been challenging over the past few years.  Interest rates, which started to look slightly more competitive in 2018 and 2019 returned to even lower levels in 2020 and haven’t markedly recovered.  Add recent inflation to the mix, and the real rate of return on most bonds is negative; money you set aside for that rainy day might not buy as much as it would have when you socked it away.

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Central Banks Signal Higher Interest Rates are Coming

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

The last two weeks have confirmed what we’ve been talking about in recent months: central banks are signaling that higher interest rates are coming. The inflation boogeyman they roundly ignored in 2021 as being “transitory” isn’t going away and now they’re being forced to play catch-up. This change in monetary policy has brought – and will continue to bring – volatility to stock and bond markets. In this week’s post we review what’s happened and what this means for markets as we move through 2022.

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Will Value Stocks Beat Growth Stocks in 2022?

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

On Wall Street, it’s always fun sport to take the first trading days of a New Year and muse about what they might mean for the rest of the year. Most of the time, early January trading doesn’t mean a lot. But as we are in the midst of several cross-currents hitting the economy and stock market, we shouldn’t avoid thinking about what signals are being sent by the stock market. One of the biggest questions on the minds of investors is, “Will Value Stocks Beat Growth Stocks in 2022?” We’ll look at this question and take a broader look at the makeup of the stock market as we head into the New Year.

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What’s the Impact of Higher Interest Rates

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

Interest rates are rising from generational lows. We’re seeing stock and bond markets react to this shift in monetary policy. Higher rates are a relief to some, but for others, higher rates present their own risks. What’s the impact of higher interest rates?

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