Good Financial Reads: Why Mom And Dad Aren’t Your Financial Planners, Preparing for Big Financial Changes, and More

2 min read
January 15, 2016


Good financial reads 01.15.16

Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Why Mom And Dad Aren’t Your Financial Planners

by Sophia Bera, Gen Y Planning

When I meet with potential clients, I get a sense of what’s on Millennials’ minds when it comes to their money. Many of you have the same concerns — things like saving, paying off debt or saving for retirement.

But I’ve noticed a trend that I didn’t anticipate: potential clients who want to get permission from their parents before working with a financial planner.

Not advice. Permission.

This is especially true of women who tell me they need to talk to their dad first before deciding to hire me.

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How to Prepare for Any Big Financial Change

by Matt Becker, Mom and Dad Money

I’ve been through a number of big life changes over the past few years, almost all of which had a big impact on my financial situation.

Four years ago Casey and I had our first child and at the same time switched to a single income. Our expenses increased right as our income was decreasing.

Two years ago the start-up company I was at shut down, leaving me out of a job, and I decided to start this business. Again, our expenses increased (to fund the business) while our income decreased.

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5 Investment Mistakes to Avoid in 2016

by Michael Finch, Finch Wealth Management 

The New Year is the perfect time to get your finances in order and review your investment plan. Here are five common investing mistakes that have the potential to hurt you in 2016.

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Tackling Financial Goals in the New Year

by Katie Brewer, Your Richest Life

If you’d like to make your money work for you, you probably have a few financial goals for the new year. I work with people every day who are working to do things like save for retirement, plan for college, and pay off their student loans.

Accomplishing these financial goals is an important part of creating a secure financial future. But if you’re not sure where to start or if you’ve tried and failed before, what can you do differently this year?

Instead of trying the same thing over and over, apply these principles from the latest psychological research to make sure you start the year in a better place.

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