Good Financial Reads: Realize That You Just Don't Know, The Truth Behind Happy Wife, Happy Life, and More

2 min read
May 13, 2016



Good Financial Reads 05.13.16 (1)

Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Realize That...You Just Don't Know

by Joe Morgan, JWM Wealth Management

Having invested other people’s money for more than 20 years and studied other managers doing the same, it is clear to me that the markets cannot be beaten. They can only be used to achieve your own personal objectives.

Unfortunately, many advisors truly focus on their own short-term needs by promising (or implying) they are smarter than the average bear. Maybe they are, but I’ve yet to find a single money manager who can consistently beat the markets after considering the level of risk they take on.

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The Truth Behind Happy Wife, Happy Life

by Pam Horack, Pathfinder Planning

If the old adage is true, the happier a woman is in her marriage, the happier the husband will be as well.

In fact, a study conducted at Rutgers University, in which researchers examined the correlation between marital quality and overall well-being, found that when a woman is happy, she tends to do more for her husband and provide more emotional support. That, in turn, leaves the husband more satisfied with his life.

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Why You Need a Cash Flow System

by Scott Frank, Stone Steps Financial

If you ever wonder why some people never seem to worry about money and appear secure about their spending, I’m here to tell you this could be you too.

Creating a system that helps you cover your fixed expenses and have extra left to spend without worry is critical to your financial success and happiness. By planning ahead for where your money is going, you’ll ensure it’s spent in ways that are truly important to you and that there’s always enough.

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529 Plan Basics

by Tyler Landes, Tandem Financial Guidance

April showers bring May flowers… and in just a few weeks, 529 Day! May 29th has become an annual “celebration” of awareness for 529 College Savings Plans. In the same way that we use tax-advantaged accounts to save for retirement, 529 Plans can be a great way to save for future education expenses with favorable tax incentives. As with everything in life, there are pros and cons to using this strategy to save for college.

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