Good Financial Reads: How Much Money Do You Need to Be Happy, The Ultimate Gift to Leave Your Heirs, and More

2 min read
July 01, 2016

Good Financial Reads 07.01.16

Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


How Much Money Do You Need to Be Happy?

by Pam Horack, Pathfinder Planning

Have you ever found yourself saying: “if I only made $XX more per year, I would be happy?” We've all done it. The question of how much money is necessary to be happy has been around for ages with each generation striving for the “magic number” that allows for the perfect balance between income and internal fulfillment.

But does a number like this even exist?

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The Ultimate Gift to Leave Your Heirs

by Kay Dee Cole, Clarity Wealth Development

Did you know that 47% of adult Americans don’t have a will or trust? Dying without a will (intestate) can be a costly, complicated, sometimes messy and may take years to sort out. Then, at the end of the process, the state will decide how your assets are divided.

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Why Millennial Women Need to Invest, Even If We Don’t Think We’re Ready

by Sophia Bera, Gen Y Planning

When it comes to investing, women still lag behind men in terms of getting started and that means we miss out on years of compound interest. Investing is important because it allows your savings to grow considerably more than they would if you kept all of your money in a savings account.

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No Hot Stock Tips Here!

by Nannette Kamien, Inspiration Planning

One of the most frequently asked questions I get when talking to clients is "What should I invest in?" It reflects the belief of many out there that success in investing is complicated and involves investing the precisely right amount in the right company, at the right time. And then selling at the top of the market. The reality is that the answer I give clients is not what you might think.

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