Good Financial Reads: Shock & Awe, The Ultimate College Savings Account Showdown, and More

2 min read
November 11, 2016



Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Shock and Awe: What the 2016 Presidential Election Means for Your Money

by Pam Horack, Pathfinder Planning

Hooray! Election season is over and the political ads have finally been put to rest. For me, that means no more mud-slinging unless the boys get into the garden. Now that we know who will be serving as our next Commander-in-Chief, it’s time to deal with the post-election predictions for our next president.

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The Ultimate College Savings Account Showdown – 529 Plan vs. Roth IRA vs. Taxable Account

by Matt Becker, Mom and Dad Money

Figuring out how to save for your child’s college education is one of the hardest parts of putting together a financial plan. First, there’s the conflict between wanting to provide your child with all the opportunity in the world and the simple fact that other financial goals should come first.

Second, there’s the question of how much to save for college, which is always imprecise given the uncertainty around what college will look like in the future, what type of school your child will want to go to, and how the cost will change over time.

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How to Earn More from Investing in Yourself

by Katie Brewer, Your Richest Life

You can have excellent savings, a rewarding job, a healthy retirement account and a well-rounded portfolio and still feel trapped. If you’re working hard on other areas of your financial and personal life, it can be easy to forget about one of the most beneficial places to invest: yourself.

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The Power of Compound Interest

by Ed Leach, Upswing Advisors

The definition of compound interest is simple: it’s the interest you earn on both your original money and on the interest you keep accumulating. Compound interest allows your savings to grow faster over time because each time interest is calculated and added to the account, the larger balance results in more interest earned than before.

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