Good Financial Reads: Will 30 Year Olds Get To Retire, Skip the Latte...For Your Happiness, and More

2 min read
October 07, 2016



Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Will 30 Year Old's Ever Get To "Retire"?

by Paul Sydlansky, Lake Road Advisors

If you're in your 30's right now, you might feel that those golden years of retirement may never happen. Experts are predicting that Millennials will have to keep working until they drop dead. But can this really be true?

You might have heard that retirement isn't what it used to be. In fact, who calls it the "Golden Years" anymore? These days, our vision of life in our 60s and beyond more than likely contains some version of ourselves working... working and seriously downsizing our lifestyle expectations.

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Skip the latte. Not for your budget, but for your happiness

by Meg Bartelt, Flow Financial Planning

Putting aside advice from Mr. Depp, a famous 2010 Princeton study, and parents everywhere, can money in fact buy you happiness?

The authors of Happy Money: The Science of Happier Spending say “Yes.” So, why do so few people feel happier after spending money? Because they aren’t buying the right things. The book identifies five ways to spend money that do make you happier:

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The Power of the Health Savings Account

by David Jacoby, Remote Financial Planner

As humans, we all can agree on a few things: water and food are essential, getting enough sleep is important, and taxes suck. I have never met one person that enjoyed paying taxes. Who would? As a CPA, my job is to legally minimize the amount of taxes my clients pay. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) help me achieve that goal and they can help you too.

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The Invisible Alpha

by Timothy Brennan, Ariadne Wealth Advisors

The connection between Wall Street and Main Street is a quirky one. For the most part, Wall Street serves Main Street well. Investment banks, commercial banks and insurance companies match borrowers with lenders and keep the economy running. However, this synergy is far from perfect. In many ways, the investment profession has become dominated by the economics of the investment business.

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