7 Questions for Andrew Davis & His Hardworking Dog

3 min read
June 06, 2017


Andrew Davis, CFP® and founder of Seamless Financial Planning, LLC , always had a passion for talking finance and business with his peers. He started a niche bookkeeping firm in his college dorm room, working exclusively with musicians, and eventually evolved the business into an accounting firm.

"This was my first experience working with my peers and it was extremely rewarding," said Davis, "After working for a few other accounting and financial services firms, I came to realize how underserved my generation was."

With that realization, he decided he would need to launch his own financial planning firm to truly feel satisfied in his career. He's shifted from the musicians he served in college to a very different niche: dentists. The pivot proved to be a good move; his work earned him recognition among colleagues nationwide. "Andrew shares his knowledge liberally...and works to better our industry as a whole," said Maddy Roche of XY Planning Network, an organization that recently named Davis Advisor of the Month

Long removed from the dorms, he now works from his West Hollywood home, a situation that's ideal for his family. "I’m proud to say that I’m working towards my dream," he said, "I’m building a business that allows me to be at home with my son while working towards my goal of teaching young dentists how to set themselves up for financial success."

His home office is popular among his four-legged children too. When he started working from home, his loyal chow-husky mix claimed a spot next to his desk, napping while Davis worked.  "Now even when I’m not in the office working, if it is during the normal business hours, Bernanke will be in the office," Davis said, "I joke that my dog is more diligent about working a full day than I am."



7 Questions with Andrew Davis

XYPN: Where did you grow up and where are you currently based?

AD: I grew up in Denver and relocated to Los Angeles four years ago for my wife to attend dental school at USC. In June of 2017, we are moving to Tucson where my wife will be completing a pediatric dental residency. (Davis is available to work with clients virtually. View his profile for more information).


XYPN: Did your background give you any special skills to help others reach their financial goals?

AD: I believe that my background in tax accounting and exposure to the dental industry both personally and professionally offers a unique skill set to my clients.  


XYPN: What is the one piece of advice you find yourself giving over and over?

AD: Fear comes from a lack of understanding. I assign reading assignments (financial books and blogs) to all new clients because I believe if they have a baseline understanding our relationship will be more successful. 


XYPN: What should we know about finances that we didn’t learn in school?

AD: I believe that to graduate high school you should be required to take a finance 101 class. It is a subject that you can’t avoid in life, but still isn’t a national standard. 


XYPN: What are you most proud of in your professional life?

AD: I’m extremely proud of the business I’ve built so far. My goal is to educate young dentists and I feel that I’m slowly doing my part!


XYPN: What or whom inspires you to do great work?

AD: My son is a huge inspiration because I want to provide a comfortable life for him. My clients also inspire me because it is an incredible feeling to be a part of their team as they succeed financially. 


XYPN: What is most challenging and/or rewarding about your work?

AD: The biggest challenge that I have had has been helping clients overcome the emotional side of financial decisions. I’ve found that I can show a client the evidence that a financial decision isn’t wise, but nothing is more powerful than the clients coming to conclusions on their own. At the same time, the emotional side is extremely rewarding. My goal is to teach clients and help guide them towards decisions. It is extremely rewarding when they realize on their own the impact of a decision. 


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