Resources and Links We Love

3 min read
February 04, 2015


Need some mid-week recommended reading? The XYPN team gathered up some of our favorite links and resources from around the financial blogosphere to help you get through this first work week of a brand new month. Check them out -- and don't hesitate to share your favorite articles from this week with us, too!

Dear Dad, Why Did You Let Debt Kill You? via Good Financial Cents

"One of my biggest regrets, which I shared in my book Soldier of Finance, is that I never had the courage to confront my dad about his debt. I think somehow I believed things would just work themselves out. They didn’t.

If you know someone who is struggling with debt, there are signs that you can watch for — and things you can do. Here are three indications that they are headed for unnecessary and dangerous stress."

What Motivates You to Save? via Cashville Skyline

"On a recent drive home from work as I unloaded my excitement for getting back on track financially, my mother interrupted me to ask: “What are you saving for, anyway?”

I was caught off guard and the conversation fell silent.

When I started this journey, my primary motivation for saving a large percent of my earnings was to successfully orchestrate a career change. Now that I had completed that goal, what was next?"

3 People You Absolutely Need in Your Corner to Succeed in Your Career via Brazen Careerist

"Ready for big results in 2015? Then you’ll need a mentor, a coach and a sponsor in your corner.

But who are these people? How can they help? And why do we need them in our corner?"

Craigslist Scams I Encountered When Looking For A Rental Plus Real Scam Emails via Making Sense of Cents

"Over the past few weeks, we have been searching for the perfect rental home for us to move into....[But] we came across many Craigslist scams firsthand.

You can find rental scams everywhere (Craigslist, Zillow, and more), and many people are duped every single day out of hundreds or sometimes thousands of dollars.

Below are several Craigslist rental scams that you should be aware of. There are cases where the person might not actually be a scammer, but you should be on high alert if you decide to continue through with a potential rental that you are unsure about."

10 Places to Turn Your Unwanted Stuff Into Cold, Hard Cash via Daily Finance

"Sick of all those piles and boxes taking up space in your garage? If you've been putting off clearing it out, here's an added incentive for you: that 'junk' of yours could be worth a decent chunk of change.

Just because you no longer need the things you've stored away, that doesn't mean someone else can't use them. In fact, someone might be willing to pay you to take them off your hands, especially if these items are in decent working order."

Proof That #DebtIsNotForever via The Debt Myth

Editor's Note: Remember when we gathered up advice and tips on dealing with debt from some of XYPN's advisors? It was our contribution to a campaign to help spread the word that Debt Is Not Forever. If you want to read more posts like that, and find inspiration, information, and new ideas, be sure to head here to see all the bloggers and brands who contributed a post with their take on the theme.

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