Good Financial Reads: Stress-Free Financial Planning

2 min read
December 16, 2022

Stress-free Financial Planning

Five Ways to Lower Anxiety in a Stressful Market

by Michael Reynolds, Elevation Financial

Investing can be stressful.

Whether it's in your 401(k), your IRA, or brokerage accounts, when the stock market is going down, it's natural to feel anxiety.

A colleague of mine once said "market volatility is the price of admission to access a vehicle that typically returns 8%+ return on your money".

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Making Beautiful Music: Planning Your Financial Year

by Dan Andrews, Financial Planning Fort Collins

Think of your life as an orchestra for a moment. When the experience is timed out, planned, and coordinated, beautiful music arises. When the orchestra members “wing it” without much preparation, a musical mess may grace your eardrums. And that could have been avoided with some proactive planning before the performance.

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Financial Planning for the LGBTQIA+ Community During Uncertain Legal Times

by Corey Beal, Empowering Finance

I remember exactly where I was and how I felt on June 26, 2015 when the Supreme Court delivered their ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges that “same-sex couples may exercise the fundamental right to marry”. Joy, freedom, happiness, and so many more emotions coursed through me as the ruling was announced and it felt incredibly long overdue as well. As a financial planner I was ecstatic to finally be able to work with my LGBTQIA+ clients in the same capacity afforded to my non-LGBTQIA+ clients with benefits, estate planning, taxes, laws, and other financial planning areas now equal across the board.

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Managing Financial Decisions with Grace

by Danielle Harrison, Harrison Financial Planning

I don’t know about you, but it feels a bit like déjà vu. Last year at this time, I had just started my financial planning firm and made the official announcement that I was taking on clients. Within hours I received a call that my youngest son had a positive COVID-19 case in his daycare class and would need to quarantine for ten days. Luckily, he never got sick, but I spent the next week and a half juggling taking care of an infant while trying to complete critical tasks in my business.

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Work Your Finances Consistently, Even If Gradually

by Joe Morgan, Best Financial Life

Just like exercise, a little bit of financial health is much better than none.

Finances can be overwhelming when we try to think of all areas at once. We know it is important to have all areas of our financial lives working together, but it is simply too scary to do it all at once. So, we can easily push off the hard decisions and the hard work that needs to be done.

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