Good Financial Reads: RSU Basics

2 min read
April 12, 2019

RSU Basics

RSU Income & Mortgage Qualification

by Steven Geri, Denny Park Investments

Working for a tech company—like Amazon—that uses Restricted Stock Units (RSUs) as compensation, can limit your ability to qualify for the home mortgage you might desire. Luckily, more mortgage providers now accept income from RSUs in their qualification calculations, but it may take some advanced planning on your part.

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6 Things You Need To Know About Your Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)

by Jiyao Xu, X and Y Advisors, Inc

For some of you, stock compensation is a big part of your current compensation package. Restricted stock unit (RSU) is probably one of the most common and widespread types of stock compensations nowadays. This week I will list six things that I think you need to know about your RSUs.  

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Stay Diversified From Your Employer Investments

by Michelle Smalenberger, Financial Design Studio, Inc

Do you know where your money is invested?  Whether you invest in your company’s retirement account or you choose your own investments what do you really own?  You remember the decision you have when you need to pick from a list of funds available to you. Often you see the name of a fund and some description or performance history but you don’t really know what that fund is invested in.

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My Company's Tech Stock is Booming! What Should I Do?

by Levi Sanchez, Millennial Wealth LLC

Since the mid-1990’s, the internet and the digital age have transformed the way we live. Technology has been the foundation for industry disruption and as a result, there continues to be an opportunity for technology companies to rise from a small start-up to a full-fledged public company in a matter of years. With the sudden disruption and subsequent rise, it creates wealth for many of the hardworking employees that got it there. For people awarded with stock options or some form of equity compensation, this can create quite the “problem”.

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