Good Financial Reads: Reimagining Your Financial Future

1 min read
February 14, 2025

The 5-Piece Framework You Need to Better Manage Your Personal Finances

by Eric RobergeBeyond Your Hammock

Figuring out how to manage your personal finances is never easy.

Most of us don’t have formal education experience in “money.” Even having a college degree in something like business or finance doesn’t translate well to how to manage your personal finances.

That leaves the average person in a bad spot when it comes to making good decisions with their money, because they simply don’t have the right systems or frameworks in place. 

You might be in this spot right now, too. But you don’t have to stick with average or ordinary when it comes to your money.

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What Clients Really Care About (from our 2023 and 2024 Client Feedback Surveys). Do You Agree?

by Meg Bartelt, Flow Financial Planning

After two years of annual client-feedback surveys, I have learned two important things:

  1. I suck at writing client-feedback surveys.
  2. Talking with a financial planner who really knows and cares for you is extremely valuable. Maybe the most valuable.

As for #1, let’s say only that I am thankful for clients who, as it turns out, run customer-feedback surveys for giant tech companies and are experts in the matter, and furthermore are willing to share their thoughts after year one’s sub-optimal effort.

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The Path to Lasting Change

by Nick Garofalo, Openhanded Wealth

Discover the VIM framework—Vision, Intention, and Means—and how it can drive meaningful changes in your finances, business, and life. Learn actionable steps to break inertia and make lasting improvements.

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