Good Financial Reads: Money & Happiness

3 min read
May 24, 2019

Money & Happiness

How Work-Life Balance Changed My Career

by Michael JohnsonFlagstone Financial Management

I recently had to dig through the depth of my storage to find some old scrapbooks from my high school days.  As often the case, when you start digging you realize there is a bunch of stuff that you are storing that you no longer need so we made several trips to Goodwill and had a few boxes to shred.  As I went through the box of information I found several items that made me pause and reflect on life, including several items related to financial matters.

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Does the Market Affect Your Happiness?

by Michelle SmalenbergerFinancial Design Studio, Inc.

Remember the saying “If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy”? This seems to resonate closely with investors. If the market aint happy, aint nobody happy. After a strong first quarter of the market performing higher and coming back from the end of 2018 lows investors were starting to feel more confident. With a few days in a row of the market moving lower investors might again be concerned.

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The Greatest Financial Asset, Contented Discontentment

by Kyle Mast, Clarity Financial

We live in a world that desires the next greatest thing.  Whether it’s the newest technological device or whether it’s the trip to a “magical” destination.  We, myself included, seem to always think that the grass will be greener with that next purchase, or that next experience.

However, while many things or experiences may have a positive impact on our lives, it is our attitude toward, and during these things and experiences that will shape whether or not they benefit us.

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Are Emotions the Enemy of Being Good with Money?

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

Recently, someone asked Kali and Eric why they’re “good with money.” The answer? Ultimately, they agreed it came down to this one thing: they keep their money and their emotions separate.

That inspired this episode of Beyond Finances, which is all about why we don’t talk about money, how emotions can get in our way, and what we can do to solve the potential problems that arise when you make highly charged, emotional money moves.

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How to Use Thought Experiments to Design Your Best Life

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

What if you dropped your limitations, allowed yourself to daydream, and considered what’s possible for your life?

In this episode, we’re encouraging you to stretch your mind, imagine a world with no limits, and brainstorm what your life could look like if “can’t” weren’t part of your vocabulary.

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How to Buy Happiness

by Nathan SchorschHead to Toe Financial Planning

Since the 1900’s there’s been this idea of “keeping up with the Joneses” and how we need to consume more and acquire more material wealth in order to be happy.  There has also been a backlash to that with the saying “money can’t buy you happiness” which rejects the idea of constant consumption as a source of feeling better about yourself. So which is it? Does money buy you happiness?

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