Good Financial Reads: Maximize Your Benefits and Pay as an Employee

2 min read
December 03, 2021

Maximize Your Benefits and Pay as an Employee

Now is a Great Time to Get a Paycheck Check-Up

by Massimiliano De Santis, DESMO Wealth

I thought I’d never say this, but I like the IRS website. Not necessarily the IRS or the tax system we have in place. Just their site. It has great information about taxes you can find answers to almost anything tax-related. One very useful tool on their site is their Withholding Estimator. If you are a W-2 employee, I suggest you use it now to estimate your tax liability and see if you are with your taxes for the year. Don’t wait. A paycheck checkup can help you see if you’re withholding the right amount of tax from your paycheck. Too little could mean an unexpected tax bill or even a penalty, both of which you are better off avoiding. Too much can mean a tax refund. While it may be nice to get a refund, it also means your paycheck every period is smaller than it could be. Why not shoot for zero or a small refund and save the money instead?

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Maximizing Workplace Benefits With FSAs and HSAs

by Grant Bledsoe, Three Oaks Wealth

The open enrollment period for Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Accounts (HSA) is approaching. During the enrollment period, employees can enroll in or amend their contributions for the future year for FSAs and HSAs, which they can use to pay for their healthcare-related expenses. We dedicated today’s episode to taking a deep dive into several vital facts related to FSA, Dependent care FSA, HSA, and the numerous ways to maximize your workplace benefits under each of them. 

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Open Enrollment 2022: 3 Tips To Maximize Your Benefits

by Alvin Carlos, District Capital Management

Open enrollment 2022 is here. From November 1, 2021 – January 15,  2022, you have the option to change your health insurance plan, increase your life insurance coverage, and decide whether you want to enroll in disability insurance.  I am going to share 3 tips on how to best maximize your employee benefits during this open enrollment period.

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The Benefits Of Changing Jobs [Video]

by Robert Stoll, Financial Design Studio

Let’s talk about your career and what the benefits of changing jobs might be for you.  A lot of career experts will say that changing jobs on a regular basis is not only good to help you advance your career to get new positions, but also monetarily as well.  Let’s get practical with that.

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One of the Most Underutilized Savings Tools: The HSA

by Danielle Harrison, Harrison Financial Planning

With the increase in high deductible health plans (HDHP) being offered by employers, it is surprising to find how few individuals take advantage of a Health Savings Account (HSA). Not only can these plans offer a way for individuals and families to save for current medical expenses in a tax-efficient manner, because of their unique structure and features, HSAs are a perfect vehicle to save for retirement and other financial needs.

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