Good Financial Reads: Life Insurance 101

2 min read
November 26, 2021

Life Insurance 101

What is Life Insurance? [Video]

by Trevore Meyer, Financial Design Studio

In this next four part series we are going to be exploring life insurance. The videos include; what is life insurance, why it’s important to have it, and what are the things you should be looking out for when you’re evaluating it.  Now I understand no one likes to talk about what might happen when they die. It’s a morbid and challenging discussion to have. If you can have this discussion with your family ahead of time it can really help. This can take a large amount of stress off of their shoulders when this event comes to pass. 

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Considering Buying Insurance? Here are 3 Questions you Need to Ask.

by Jamie Lima, Woodson Wealth Management


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Life Insurance 101

by Riley Poppy, Ignite Financial Planning

The reality is many families do not have enough life insurance protection. Research shows that 1 in 4 people have more insurance on their cell phones than their own lives. While shopping for life insurance can be overwhelming, understanding the different types and how much you need can provide clarity and peace of mind in your decision-making.

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What to Look For in Existing Life Insurance Contracts? [Video]

by Trevore Meyer, Financial Design Studio

Thank you for joining me in our second life insurance series video.  If you haven’t had the opportunity to watch the first video I would encourage you to go back and watch that before you watch this one.  Quick reminder at Financial Design Studio we do not sell any insurance for clients.  That said, we do review insurance as a critical part of each client’s financial plan.  This video is all about what goes in and what comes out with life insurance?

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Life Insurance: Death Benefit Types [Video]

by Trevore Meyer, Financial Design Studio

Thanks for joining me in another video in our life insurance series.  This is video three of our four part series. Today’s video is all about life insurance death benefit types and face amounts.  Our first video overviewed what is life insurance? In the second video we discussed what goes in, and what comes out? If you haven’t had an opportunity to watch the first two I would encourage you to spend some time watching those videos. I will be referring to a couple of things we talked about there. 

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What to Look For in Existing Life Insurance Contracts? [Video]

by Trevore Meyer, Financial Design Studio

Welcome back to our fourth and final video in our life insurance series.   If you haven’t watched the other three videos I would recommend you spend some time and go back through those. We will be referencing those during this video.  In todays video we will be discussing what to look for in existing life insurance contracts. Quick disclaimer, at Financial Design Studio, Inc.  we do not sell any life insurance to our clients. However we do review it as part of our client’s financial plans because of how critical it is. 

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