Good Financial Reads: How to Prep Your Finances for a Recession

2 min read
April 24, 2020

How to Prep Your Finances for a Recession

5 Tips to Recession Proof Your Finances

by Matt Elliott, Pulse Financial Planning

Tip 1: Start thinking about it now

The most common mistake people make isn’t necessarily being financially ready for a recession, it’s being mentally prepared for one. People tend to overestimate the upside, and underestimate the downside risk of their investments. This may be compounded by the comfort we all feel after a 10 year upward trending stock market. When we’re comfortable, it makes us susceptible to panic.

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Is This the Next Recession?

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

There has been a lot of talk and media coverage around the question of, “is this the next recession?”

There’s a lot of implication that it’s this big, looming thing that’s about to happen — and we’re all totally screwed when it does.

But this is an emotionally-charged takeaway, to say the least. Is it true? To figure out what to make of recent headlines and recession fears, we take a step back in this episode to focus on a few key facts:

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5 Simple Ways To Prepare Your Personal Finances For A Recession

by Eric Roberge, Beyond Your Hammock

Last fall, recession fears were running high. It was hard to escape the conversation; predictions for the next big crash flew all over the media while clients, friends, acquaintances, and others constantly asked the team at my financial planing firm if a recession was really about to happen.

Our answer to that question never changed, and probably won’t: We don’t know.


For more on how to financially prepare for a recession, be sure to check out these articles:

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