Good Financial Reads: Getting Started Investing

2 min read
August 03, 2018

Getting Started Investing 

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Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:

Choose Reasonable Investments by Following 3 Simple Rules

by Meg Bartelt, Flow Financial Planning, LLC

“Reasonable?” you say. “How about Great? Or even Good?”

Well, I basically hate clickbait in general (who likes to be manipulated?), but especially when it comes to something as important to you as your money. And, frankly, if you can choose, and stick with, “reasonable” investments over the entire course of your investing life, you will be So Much Better Off than almost every one, everyone else looking for that “great” investment or that “next big thing.”

[Read the Full Article]


Investing vs. Speculating...Are You Feeling Lucky?

by Michelle Smalenberger, Financial Design Studio, Inc.

Let’s compare investing vs. speculating. Are you someone who likes to buy a lottery ticket, hoping yours is the winning number?  Or maybe you like to find the hot buy of the day versus buying something that will last a long time, but you may spend a little more to get it?  Or like the tortoise and the hare getting somewhere fast versus slow and steady wins the race?

Let’s talk about those personalities and which one you are.  We are going to dig in to how that may affect or even define your investment personality too.

[Read the Full Article & Watch the Video]


You Must Be "This" Tall To Ride The Market

by Michelle Smalenberger, Financial Design Studio, Inc.

Do you remember being too short to go on an amusement park ride?  The ride you were about to enter was likely full of large roller coaster ups and downs and only those over a certain height and age could stomach it.  Like that ride’s caution or minimum height restriction think about your investing goal.  

If your investment goal is very near in the future you want to be careful how you proceed with the investments you choose.  

[Read the Full Article]


Getting Started On Investing

by Michelle Smalenberger, Financial Design Studio, Inc.

So many people are excited about getting started on investing and seeing growth from the money they’re saving.  But one thing that is really important to remember is to have an emergency fund.  Put money aside before you start investing.  Everyone wants to buy that stock that’s going to make you money.

[Read the Full Article & Watch the Video]

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