Good Financial Reads: Estate Planning: How To Care for Your Loved Ones When You’re Unable To

2 min read
January 20, 2023

Estate Planning How To Care for Your Loved Ones When You’re Unable To

The In’s and Out’s of Estate Planning – Do You Really Need It?

by Joe Calvetti, Still River Financial Planning

Have you heard about estate planning but have been putting it off or don’t think you need it? You’re not alone.

According to, 67% of Americans don’t have a will, and the most common reasons for not having one include “I haven’t gotten around to it” and “I don’t have enough assets to leave anyone”.

Read on to learn why estate planning isn’t just for the wealthy and goes far beyond simply creating a will.

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Designating Trusted Contacts and Naming Beneficiaries

by Philip Weiss, Apprise Wealth Management

Have you designated a trusted contact and named beneficiaries for your financial accounts? If you haven’t, you should consider doing so sooner rather than later.

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Creating and Funding an Estate Plan

by Michelle Smalenberger, Financial Design Studio

So, what is an estate plan, how do you fund it, and make sure you know all of the pieces to get that plan in place? 

What is an Estate Plan?

When we think about an estate plan we think about the documents. Normally, these are documents like a Will, which says who you want to inherit assets when you pass away. Next is a trust, this gives more details for how you want assets to be passed on. And then there is a Power of Attorney (POA), which says who you want to make decisions for you. 

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Family or Professional Trustee? Pros and Cons of a Professional Trustee

by Elliott Appel, Kindness Financial Planning

While people create trusts during their life, estate plans often include the creation of trusts at death. Knowing who you will put in charge of the trust is vital, including backup options.

You have to specifically name them in the documents. They will be responsible for carrying out the terms of the trust, making distributions, maintaining records, managing the assets, filing tax returns, and communicating with beneficiaries. 

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