Good Financial Reads: Advice for Small Business Owners

3 min read
May 06, 2022

Advice for Small Business Owners

Creating Successful Small Businesses and Side-Gigs

by Jay Zigmont, Live, Learn, Plan

With today’s hustle culture combined with a search for meaning, many people are following their dreams to start a small business. Being Childfree often allows us the time, money, and freedom to stretch and see what is possible. If you decide to start a small business or other side-gig, you need to make a series of business, financial, tax, personal, and professional decisions.

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Business Owner Operational Reviews [Video]

by Trevore Meyer, Financial Design Studio

As a business owner one of the things I am constantly on the lookout for is how can I be saving time.  Something to look at as a business owner are operational reviews. We have all heard this saying that time equals money.  It stands to reason that a waste of time is also a waste of money as well.  Today I will be talking about some of the things you can be looking at in your own business as it relates to saving time. 

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Reducing Small Business Health Insurance Costs - With John Butler

by Grant Bledsoe, Three Oaks Wealth

Health insurance is an essential aspect in recruiting and retaining employees as well as sustaining productivity and employee happiness in a small business. In today’s episode, we have a distinguished guest, John Butler, joining us to take a deep dive into what business owners should know about health insurance. John is a national C-suite health benefits consultant, strategic coach, and the author of “Health Insurance Sucks,” the number one ranking book on Amazon in its category. Throughout this episode, John shares his insights on how businesses can reduce the cost of the health insurance they provide to their employees. 

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How to Retain Top Employees Amid the Great Resignation with Jeff Kortes

by Grant Bledsoe, Three Oaks Wealth

In today’s day and age, it takes more than just money to keep top performing employees from moving on to better opportunities. Jeff Kortes joins us today to discuss employee retention amid the Great Resignation. Jeff possesses a wealth of experience in this subject, and spent ten years in human resources before resigning and establishing his consulting practice. Throughout the episode Jeff shares the importance of workplace culture, as well as tips for hiring and retaining the right people for your business.

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How to Keep You & Your Business Safe Online With Amir Tarighat

by Grant Bledsoe, Three Oaks Wealth

Protecting assets and data from digital threats is crucial for the integrity and reputation of any business. In today’s episode of Grow Money Business, we have a fascinating conversation with Amir Tarighat. Amir is the founder and CEO at Agency, a firm that provides enterprise-level cybersecurity solutions for growing companies. Throughout the episode, he delves deeper into enlightening aspects of cybersecurity, including why it is vital to have a plan in place for your business.

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Launching a Business in the Second Half of Life With Rick Terrien

by Grant Bledsoe, Three Oaks Wealth

There is a common misconception that successful entrepreneurship exists only for younger individuals. This week on the podcast, Rick Terrien shares why we should challenge that thought process. Rick, a long-term entrepreneur and author, shares how he has dedicated his time to assisting others with launching a business in their second half of life. Throughout the episode, we dive deep into the essentials of entrepreneurship and crucial information that will give you inspiration and guidance along the way.

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