Good Financial Reads: Budget Friendly Vacation Ideas, Steps to Streamline Your Finances, and More

2 min read
August 19, 2016

Good Financial Reads 08.19.16

Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


7 Budget-Friendly Family Vacation Ideas

by Scott Frank, Stone Steps Financial 

With the end of summer rapidly coming to a close, you may be looking for one last adventure with the family before the busyness of another school year takes over your home. Or maybe you want to plan ahead and get something scheduled for the future so you and your family have a getaway to look forward to.

Traveling last minute or with a family can quickly add additional costs to your trip, but it doesn’t have to. I searched around and found some great vacations for families looking to stay within a budget.

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Two Steps to Streamline Your Finances This Fall

by Nannette Kamien, Inspiration Financial Planning

It's back to school time, and before you know it, the holidays will be in full swing (seriously - Halloween candy is already in stores). The last thing you want to be worrying about are your finances. Good thing that in just two steps, you can be well on your way to getting back to the holiday party.

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How to Pay Yourself from Your Business

by Mary Beth Storjohann, Workable Wealth

For most of us, the first dollar made is always special. Some of us even frame that dollar bill and hang it in a place of honor along with degrees, certifications, and plaques. But for business owners, there’s often another milestone that gets forgotten: the first dollar you actually pay yourself from the business that you created.

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Uncertainty, Outcomes, & Our Investment Decisions

by Michael Miller, Miller Premier Investment Planning

Forecasting company, FiveThirtyEight – founded by Nate Silver, has an excellent track record when predicting future outcomes, particularly within the political arena. Nate Silver is the modern-day EF Hutton. When he predicts, people listen. Or more accurately, when he predicts it is almost a foregone conclusion. Until it’s not.

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