Good Financial Reads: Reducing Money Stress, Travel Hacking, and More

2 min read
August 14, 2015

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Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:



3 Crazy Simple Steps to Overcoming Money Stress

by Daniel Wrenne, Wrenne Financial Planning

an you guess the #1 cause of stress for Americans? You got it – money. According to the American Psychological Association “APA” 2014 Stress in America survey, 72% of adults report feeling stressed about money at least some of the time. So why are all these people stressing about money? Isn’t America one of the wealthiest countries in the world?

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6 Money Mistakes I've Made

by Sam Farrington, Sound Mind Financial Planning

We’ve all made mistakes with money, and I want to share with you what I feel are 6 of my biggest money mistakes to help prevent you from doing the same.

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Travel Hack Your Way Through Wedding Season

by Sophia Bera, Gen Y Planning

Ah, wedding season. You’ve probably had a year or two when your fridge is so covered in save the dates and invitations that you had to go buy more magnets to hold them all up. As much as you enjoy witnessing your good friends get married, you can’t not think about how much attending all those weddings will cost you. The plane tickets! The hotel rooms! The clothes! The manicures and blow-outs! The gifts!

And that’s just for the average guest — if you’re in the wedding party, be prepared to pay up for bachelorette parties and showers, too.

Obviously, being there for the people you love on one of the most important days of their lives is a very special thing. And if you can save money on the cost of attending, even better! That’s where travel hacking comes in. It requires a bit of organization and some patience, so now is time to start saving up toward all those 2016 weddings your friends just began planning. The expenses associated with the weddings you attend to this year can build rewards points toward next year’s parties.

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Why Your Credit Score Matters

by Michael Solari, Solari Financial Planning

While you may not think having a high credit score matters to you, there are actually many ways your credit score is used to make (financial) judgments about you. Fair or not, it’s best to understand why your credit score matters in order to use it in your favor. Here’s what makes up your credit score and and why a good credit score is important, even if you don’t want to use credit much.

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