Good Financial Reads: Why Wait? Make a Bucket List Today, Don't Buy a Starter Home, and More

2 min read
February 10, 2017


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Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Why Wait? Make a Bucket List Today.

by Kelly Luethje, Willow Planning Group

This week I was reminded of a time when I was paralyzed by student loan debt and high rent. At that point in my life I felt like I couldn’t spend money on anything. How was I going to manage this debt and still do the things I love to do? Let’s be honest, I couldn’t even afford to go to lunch.

I realized that I had to take a hard look at my finances and set some goals. If I didn’t, I was never going to feel like I was making progress to living the life I wanted.

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Why a Starter Home is Now a Bad Idea

by Paul Sydlansky, Lake Road Advisors

If you were around during the housing boom of the last decade, then you may be prone to some flawed thinking. I should know because I was too.

Back then, before the housing bubble burst, home prices were increasing steadily and by alarming rates. Homes were selling for well over their true market value. Plus, mortgages were easy to come by and interest rates were at all-time lows.

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How To Automate Your Finances

by Ross Menke, Lyndale Financial

Keeping track of all your money movements throughout the month can be a burdensome task. We all have countless bills to pay, various savings goals, and noble charities we’d like to gift to.

What if there was a way to make sure all of these tasks were handled automatically, every month for you? By using technology to your advantage, you can set this up quickly and let it handle your routine payments month after month without lifting a finger.

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Baseball, Buffett and Value Investing

by Jason Kirsch, Grow

A few weeks ago, I mentioned how Michael Lewis’ book Moneyball was one of the most influential reads in my lifetime.

If you didn’t read the article, I explain how Billy Beane took over the struggling Oakland Athletic’s as General Manager. The team operated at a severe disadvantage compared to their American League rivals like the Yankees and the Red Sox. Their total team payroll is often a fraction of those teams. But Beane took a disadvantage and turned it into an advantage.

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