Good Financial Reads: Looking Beyond Salary, Preparing Your Grad for Financial Success in College, and More

2 min read
August 05, 2016

Good Financial Reads 08.05.16

Following along with the blogs of financial advisors is a great way to access valuable, educational information about finance — and it doesn’t cost you a thing! Our financial planners love to share their knowledge and help everyone regardless of age or assets.

Catch up on some of the latest posts with this week's roundup:


Weighing a Job Offer? Look Beyond the Salary

by Sophia Bera, Gen Y Planning

You’ve been job hunting for months, and you finally receive a job offer. You’re desperate to get out of your current job, and the salary they’re offering looks decent enough, so you should just go for it, right?

Eh, maybe.

If you think of a job offer as a pie, the salary is but a mere slice or two. There are so many other factors to consider than would have a real effect on your happiness at this new job.

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4 Ways to Prepare Your Grad for Financial Success in College

by Katie Brewer, Your Richest Life

Plenty of parents worry about paying for college – from tuition and books to dorm supplies and laptops. Whether you’re footing the whole bill or none of it, some of the responsibility will fall on your child to achieve financial success in college. Here are some tips to help prepare them for living on their own and thriving financially in college:

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Investing: The Wind in your Savings Sails

by Jennifer Harper, Bridge Financial Planning

Put simply, we invest because if we stack cash under a mattress (or almost as bad, in a savings account with little to no earned interest), we’ll lose money over time to inflation. Have you ever heard an older family member play the “remember when” game? Remember when gas was $0.50 a gallon, remember when bread was $0.25, etc. What they’re talking about is the effect inflation has on the buying power of a dollar over time. If they had put money under the mattress back then and believed that it would buy the same thing today, they’d be pretty disappointed!

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8 Quick Facts about Health Savings Accounts

by Scott Frank, Stone Steps Financial

If you’re like most business owners, business expensing can be a real chore if you don’t have the right processes in place to manage it effectively. Luckily, I’m right there with you, refining my own process as I grow and have a few easy steps to share with you that I have found work really well.

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