What's Your Favorite Financial Podcast?
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While we love the wealth of information and knowledge on money and more contained in personal finance blogs, we admit: sometimes, it's nice to consume different types of media. We're bombarded with written content in the digital age, and at times it's nice to learn something new, hear about a cool idea, or pick up the latest news and stories without being tied in to putting eyeballs on a screen.
That's where great podcasts come into play. Podcasts act as radio on demand, available to us in cars, on public transportation, during our workout sessions, and more. And with podcasting growing in popularity, there's just as much good stuff to listen to as there is to read.
It can be overwhelming to find your favorite financial podcast if you're not familiar with your options -- but that's a good problem to have. Again, there's an abundance of choice and you're bound to find a show that's not only fun and engaging, but also informative and educational.
We asked some of our XY Planning Network financial advisors to share their favorite shows with us, and we're passing along our recommendations to you. We've also thrown in a few others to check out if you find you love a good podcast as much as we do and just can't get enough.
The Favorite Financial Podcasts of the Pros
Favorite Podcast: Entrepreneur on Fire
XYPN advisor Jason Reiman, CFP®, AFC® and founder of Get Financially Fit, is definitely a fan of podcasts. He appreciates Entrepreneur on Fire because the show provides the "daily encouragement needed to ride this wave we call entrepreneurship."
John Lee Dumas, the show's host and founder, is a fellow veteran who has "simply done some amazing stuff since leaving active duty -- that's inspiring itself," notes Jason.
Jason also recommends the following podcasts if you're looking for more:
- Smart Passive Income
- 1 Day Business Breakthrough
- The Tim Ferris Show
And best of all: Jason has his very own show, too! Be sure tune in to episodes of the Get Financially Fit! Podcast.
Favorite Podcast: Stacking Benjamins
To be fair, this favorite financial podcast declaration was a bit of a tie. Katie Brewer, CFP® and founder of Your Richest Life said that she enjoys both Stacking Benjamins and Radical Personal Finance.
But as she says, she liked Stacking Benajamins enough that she invited herself onto the show -- she did an excellent job co-hosting this episode of the podcast.
Favorite Podcast: The Fizzle Show
XYPN member Matt Becker of Mom and Dad Money says that The Fizzle Show is the only podcast he tunes into regularly. What makes it so worthy?
"Tons of practical advice, entertaining as hell, and I just really like their outlook on business. I've learned a lot from them," Matt explains.
Another of our network members, Pamela Capalad, CFP® and founder of Brunch and Budget puts in a second vote for The Fizzle Show. In addition, Pamela produces her own show on "personal finance, money psychology, and how current financial events are relevant to a consumer's everyday life."
Favorite Podcast Grab Bag!
Brandon Marcott, CFP® and founder of Edify Financial Planning, gave us a list of podcasts to choose from. "[I] love people who are focused on helping people live more intentional lives," Brandon says. If you feel the same, check out:
More Financial Podcasts for Gen X and Gen Y
Our advisor recommendations should give you a good start, but there are a number of other great personal finance podcasts out there that provide equal doses of entertainment and real value. Here are a few of our own faves:
- The Money Guy Show: Financial advisors Brian and Bo go beyond common sense every other week in this great financial podcast. Whether you're an old pro or totally new to money management concepts, these Money Guys will provide interesting insights and valuable tips that you won't want to miss.
- Marketplace: For a dose of the serious (but still interesting) stuff, give this program a listen every once in a while. You'll get the latest news in business around the globe and right here at home on Wall Street.
- You Need a Budget: Well, yes, you do need a budget and you might need this podcast, too. You may recognize the name as this site primarily serves as a source for a budgeting software. But their show is great, as well, and provides quick-hitting advice on a range of personal finance topics.
Additional Podcasts to Check Out
Can't quite find what you're looking for? No worries -- check out these final suggestions from other XY Planning Network financial pros and start tuning in!
- StartUp: This podcast follows the story of two women build a dating company in the male-dominated world of startups. It's the current favorite of financial planner and XYPN member Leslie Mallman.
- The Lively Show: XYPN member Cathy Derus tells us that show host Jess bills this listen as "a weekly podcast designed to add a little extra intention to your everyday."
- Planet Money and Freakonomics: For the lover of all things econ, XYPN advisor Robert Oliver, CFP®, CPA and founder of Oliver Financial Planning suggests these two podcast classics.
Have a favorite financial podcast that we missed? Let us know! We love discovering new things as much as we enjoy spreading the word about the great resources already on our radar.
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